Thursday, January 17, 2013

You've got a bad habit of keeping me of the edge of my seat

And I'll sit on this chair, at the edge of reason and think and contemplate and distract myself just long enough to pretend like I am okay. But the truth is, I'm not okay, and I'm not going to be okay until your eyes catch mine and the minutes blur to hours and I'm captivated by your touch. But we all know the ending to this story. Long stares from across the room, almost moments and then nothing. Nothing will ever come from this. We are stuck in the cycle of almost maybe.
And that's just not enough for me
Speak now
Act now
Love now
Or it's going to be never.
I'll Try and ill try but the truth is we are not trying hard enough.
And I'll try one last time, meet me in the middle of the haze and ill make it count like we should have made it so many times before. Ill tell you I love you, kiss you, hear you say it back. But life's not perfect and nether is this.
Maybe we should leave well enough alone and spend eternity in the 'what ifs' but that's not captivating enough but it's better then living my life in the 'you wasted so much time for that?'

And that's a thought I've never had before.