Sunday, May 17, 2015

Letters to you - Part 1

I guess i want to start with the truth.
and the the unanswered questions i have for you.
like did you ever really love me?
and do you still? or am i far too late?
do you feel what I'm feeling or is it all lost on you like it was lost on me from the start?
she must have done a number on you because your not the person you were before,
your not the person i fell in love with.
but i still love you despite your flaws
because of your flaws
did you know that?

how do you feel when you look me in the eyes
when i catch you staring?
come on, you know that was deliberate.

why did you never tell me, or make your move?
thats probably the next big question.
i believe if you love something and want something you cant keep your thoughts away from it for long 
but with me, you seem so thoughtless, so disinterested. 
Its like you get lost in all i am the same way i get lost in everything you are and we lose ourselves.
and its magnificent
and then you get some space
and you take a breath 
and realise, probably rightfully so, that you would drown in me
and in my love for you
it would consume you
and its not something you can handle
your calculated
and cold
and you drive me crazy in a different, less desirable way

why do you do that? 
did you really ever love me?
what was i nothing more than a secret you wanted to know
a texture you couldn't touch
a flavour you could never taste
the forbidden fruit
the curious tale
a mystery 
made of misery 
a shadow of a girl so unique that i was a prize that you all wanted, 
and it wasn't about the prize but the competition 
the ego

you told me you loved me
you said you were scared it was better in your head
and I'm willing to be whatever it is you need me to be

did you ever really love me?

prove it.