Sunday, November 15, 2015

til my last breath

they say you don’t date your best friend, you marry them, or risk losing your best friend. and i never wanted to risk losing you. but I’ve already lost my best friend so maybe we should have risked it all. but i hope you know, i am arrogant enough to say no one has ever loved you to the depths of which i do. there is not much i have ever been sure of in my life but i am 100 percent sure of my love for you. and yeah, i know how it looks, that i run away when things get too real, but you’re the only person i ever run back to. i would have fought for you and for us until my last breath. i would have destroyed the world to protect you, i would move mountains to make you happy, i would never have given up on you. i would have married you, we would have had the most ridiculously attractive children in the entire world and i would have been the best wife through countless adventures, the ups and downs. i would have stood by your side and held your hand until the end. i would never have given up on you, and over a decade has passed and I’m still here, if that doesn’t prove how real this is then nothing will. nothing you could do in this world could ever stop me from loving you. i love you with a love that is so unconditional that i just want you to be happy. even if you require my absence to achieve that. and yeah i might force myself to move on, and settle with someone who could never be you. just know, when i take my last breath, whether its tomorrow, in 6 years time or in 60 years time. you will be the last thought that crosses my mind. because i will love you until my last breath, whether you're apart of my life or not.