Monday, October 24, 2016

gorilla suit.

in another life i used to lie to myself a lot
it was the only way to cope, to achieve
eventually you lie enough to yourself and your body starts to believe the lie
every day you wake up and lie to yourself
"i can do this" the lie screams
"you are good enough"
until one day, you wake up, and realise, its no longer a lie.

its quite a common notion in the sporting world, fake it til you make it.
and i, myself, have found this a very useful and effective tool.
but is the power of lying to yourself to help you achieve work with anything?

which leads me to todays hypothesis;
can you lie yourself happy?

if everyday, you wake up and lie to yourself, but instead of a sporting goal, what if your end goal is happiness?

is that possible? it sounds like a miserable fucking world, to wake up and pretend to be happy, to pretend to be grateful for opening your eyes and taking in a new day. but what if one day i woke up and i didn't have to pretend anymore. what if one day, i woke up and i was happy.
is that a thing?
is that real?

do people even do that? like, their eyes open first thing in the morning, the daylight filtering through their window shades, the birds singing, the warm breeze blows, they inhale, exhale, smile. they roll over, turn to their loved one and kiss them on the face. so entirely consumed by the happiness that is their beautiful life.
it seems entirely like a myth
a legend
something that people say is real but never have any proof off, like they only got a fuzzy picture of happiness, or it just turned out to be a fuck head in a gorilla suit.