Thursday, January 8, 2015

if its not real

so this is my question.  
if its not real, 
if its just an idea 
&& if its not even remotely realistic then why does it feel so right when I'm near you?
why does the sound of your heart beat on my ear feel like the most real thing I've ever felt as a thousand butterfly wings flap their wings in the pit of my stomach, from the same place that feels so ill whenever you've got distance.  You've always liked your distance and only now am i beginning to hate it, since when did we switch roles.  This must have been how you felt all those times and I'm sorry but i can't say its all my fault because you never made your move and i was too selfish or ignorant or too something to see what was right in front of me. 
i was so blind that i couldn't see you. 
if you would have just told me, held my hand, kissed me. 
but i guess ill be always waiting.