Sunday, April 12, 2015

my brain gets caught on you

I've been staring at this blank page for 20 minutes with so much to say and no way to say it
my thoughts are are jumbled mess tripping on the very thought of you
i wish you could get out of my head
you could never be the person my subconscious makes you out to be
and its just writing fictional stories about us night after night
year after year
with no point or reason and without logic
i want it to end
maybe one day it will
maybe it'll end they day i tell you i love you
or the day i marry someone else
maybe it will be the reason i let you go
i used to dream of marrying you and spending my life with you
but i know that it isn't for me
that I'm not the one for you
and your not the one for me
you can't have two broken people in a relationship
and I've spent so many years loving you
maybe ill spend the rest of my life loving you