Sunday, October 25, 2015

my personality changes with every season. This season must be for missing you.

and you stood there, in front of me, casting shadows like statues.
and i looked into your eyes and could see that you knew this was serious
my voice would falter so i eyed the floor
i always lose my nerve when i get lost in your eyes
i told you things can't continue like this anymore
this cycle was killing me
i ended my thoughts
and the silence crushed me
finally you took a step forward
your soft hands lifted my face til my eyes met yours
i could feel your breath on my face
the warmth radiating off your body
my heart thumbed a million times in that split second
your eyes looked deep into mine
you sighed
i melted at the sound
you told me you couldn't let me go,
but loving me wasn't an option either
as my heart got stuck in my throat
and i suffocated in the palm of your hand