Monday, June 14, 2021


I dreampt of you again last night

Its been a while since I've done that.

It wasn't even my romanised version of you. It was you in your lying manipulative glory and I didnt even care
I still loved you
And loved hearing you tell me all the things you think I'd want to hear
I knew your words were bullshit but it was nice to pretend they weren't and entertain the idea just for a second. That manipulative effort was still more effort than hes given me lately

Why is it when things are bad my heart runs back to you
I love you
I fucking do
There I fucking said it 
Part of me always will
And I'll spend the rest of my life trying to get over the fact that you and I dont end up together

Im sorry for not choosing you
Im sorry for not choosing you 10 years ago
Im sorry