Sunday, July 18, 2021

what I've done

If I keep doing what I've always done
Im going to keep getting what I've always got.
Einstein once said, insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result 
If I want a different result, if I want to break free im going to need to do something new.
Openness, transparency, honesty
So I told him everything
I told him how I loved you
How I dreamt of you
How we used to be
And I realised I love him
Not you
I could have chosen you
But I didnt
I picked him
He was my first pick then
And he will be my first pick forever
I dont need to romantise him
Imagine him
He is real and tangible 
He is messy and broken 
He is damaged and imperfect 
And exactly what I want
Coz the truth is, you could never be him, 
And I will never want anything but him
So take your promises, your games, your bullshit memories and remember you could never live up to him
You could never be enough for me