Friday, March 27, 2015

the ending of our story

and he looked at me, the same way he looked at me a million times before, like i was the only girl that existed in his world.  It was captivating and made me feel more whole than i have ever felt before.  But this look wasn't exactly like the others that preceded it.  He lingered.  His eyes spoke a sadness that i have never seen previously as they only ever spoke of hope and desire. He stepped closer, and i looked down as i felt his closeness.  He was a maddening man, one i could never figure out.  His reasoning and his desire always fought and battled just below the surface, nether of us would know which one would win.  His eyes were always too much for me as my heart skipped beat and time moved in hyper speed.  As he approached me, he sighed.
"It wasn't supposed to end like this", his words kissed my ears and echoed in my mind.
"How was it supposed to end?" I wasn't sure i wanted to know the answer.
"It was supposed to be us, you and me."
"I know" the words barely audible as they escaped my mouth. "But i couldn't wait for you forever"
His hand touched my face and he pulled my eyes towards him. Time felt like it stood still when he looked at me that way. I leaned, and he reciprocated, and just before our lips met, he paused. He spoke.
"You know I've always loved you"
I took a moment to commit those words to memory, to burn them in my head so i could never forget they way they sounded.
"Ive waited 12 years to hear you admit that" i whispered.
His lips grazed mine and suddenly my left hand felt heavy, the diamond ring glistened as it screamed at me and weighted me down, i stepped back. I looked down at it and remembered the promise i had made. I wish this ring was from him, but it wasn't.  i realised if he wanted to marry me, then i would be marrying him tomorrow, not someone else.  He sighed again and our hearts sunk.  He put his hand up to my cheek and brushed my skin ever so lightly.
He looked at me again, and i realised the sadness in his eyes was the realisation that this was the last time he'd be looking into my eyes.
we stayed in the moment for what felt like a lifetime, and words could never explain how much i wish that moment could last forever. He looked down to my feet and back up to my eye line taking a mental picture.
And he walked away.
and i let him.

And that was the last time i ever saw him.